2010. júl. 21.

Hi i’m Dora

i’m hungarian

my actual hungarian name is Orgován Dóra

i love to laugh and make others laugh

i love to love and be loved

i love being hugged and hugging

i think too much

i love giving advice

i love analyzing other people’s social situations

i love talking about serious things

i wear glasses

i have naturally dark-brown hair, not black

i love wearing dresses even if i don’t normally

i’m self conscious about my appearance, but on a normal level

i love tea

i love british and australian accents

i love the pastel colors

i listen to a lot of music, but my heart belongs to pop

i love boys with brown eyes

i write

i love Ewan McGregor

i love Friends

i love Toy Story

i can’t cook

i have 5 best friends left in my everyday life : Anna, Szilvi, Heni, Tündi

i’m always nice to people

i love YouTube

i want to move to Belgium

i care too much about people

i want to go to Asia

i want to meet a lot of people,but some in particular

i love Pillars of the Earth

i spend most of my day reading

i am very mature but i can act like a 10 year old when needed

i don't believe in God

i can draw

i collect newspapers

i cry when i feel the need to

i love looking back on memories, i’m nostalgic

i love sleeping

i love dreaming and imagining all sorts of things that may or may not happen in real life

i love traveling

i love cats

i don’t fall in love easily but when i do i’m very passionate and can sacrifice anything for the one i’m with(again,dont regret that)

i love the sky at night

i love guys that are smart,caring,funny,mature,and that understand me

i love Art and i love learning about things but i am not good at it practically

i believe in extraterrestrial life, evolution, afterlife

i can write stories and novels but im not good at poems or lyrics

i want to make the difference in someone’s life


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